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  • Excursion to Gramvousa - Balos

    Gramvousa Island or “the pirates’ island” is at the northwest side of Crete at the top of the peninsula of Gramvousa. Beacause it is an island it is accessible only by water. At the top of the hill there is the Venetian fortress built in the 16th century AD. The view from the fortress is breathtaking. Read More
  • Excursion to Elafonisi

    Elafonisi beach is located at the Southwest part of Crete approximately 75km of Chania town. It is a remarkable area of natural beauty. The sand is pink and white. The pink color comes from the millions of pink and red seashells that have been broken into small pieces with the passage of the year. The water is clean with a strong blue and green color. Read More
  • Excursion to Samaria

    Samaria Gorge is a National Park of the White Mountains of Crete. It is the biggest gorge in Europe. It starts at the plateau of Omalos and it ends at the seaside village of Agia Roumeli. Its’ length is 16km and it is the second most visited attraction in Crete. For the public it is open from May till October and every year more than 300000 people walk through it. Read More
  • Excursion to Knossos - Heraklion

    The archaeological area of Knossos is referred to the capital city of the Minoan civilization (3000 - 1450 bc) and to the palace of Minoas King. The area of Knossos is 6km southern of Heraklion town. There, you can see the remains of the Minoa's Palace. Read More
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Servizi di viaggio, escursioni a Chania Creta

Caro visitatore,

Benvenuto sul nostro sito. Qui a Splendor Holidays siamo specializzati nel fornire servizi di viaggio, escursioni e gite sull’'isola di Creta e in particolare nella prefettura di Chania. La nostra esperienza e la nostra conoscenza delle persone e della zona le assicurano vacanza indimenticabile durante il suo soggiorno a Creta.

Abbiamo una vasta selezione di gite in autobus giornaliere e di visite guidate nelle piu belle destinazioni di Chania. Offriamo ogni giorno gite alle Gole di Samaria, alla spiaggia di Elafonissi, alla laguna di Balos e verso molte altre attrazioni dell’isola di Creta.

Sul nostro sito è possibile prenotare una delle nostre escursioni. Inoltre, è possibile trovare idee e consigli su come esplorare Creta, visitare le sue mete più ambite e sperimentare la vera vita di Cretese.